The Nervine Colour Code ©

A natural colour code for calming the nerves

Colour holds a natural genetic code and frequency, and everything living responds to it in some way even if it is registered at a semi-conscious or unconscious level. We all know the effect of seeing the blue sky, the fresh greens of spring or a red poppy. Each colour and shade holds and transmits its own particular frequency and energy and has its own specific influence on the world around us. Many of us register this in some way when, for example, we decide what feels the right colour clothing to wear that day or when we are attracted to a certain colour combination.

The Nervine Colour Code is the result of a deep study into the natural energies within colour and this code has been designed with specific colours and proportions that aid in the better functioning of the nervous system, thereby promoting increased well-being.

I was born with a tremor in both hands, which could be controlled to a degree if I clenched my arms and hands, but with age the tremor worsened and became less controllable. So when asked to help to design what is now the Nervine Colour Code, I was absolutely up for it. Very soon our experiments with the ribbon produced a calming effect on my hand tremors, and I can now write and paint again. The amazing difference is shown below:

Eva W. (Germany), fine arts teacher, developer of the ribbon

Practising as a Doctor of Medicine for well over 30 years mostly in inpatient geriatric care, I can attest that stress levels in the 24-hour shifts tend to be high. I longed for a calming influence and searched for what could help in a natural way. Eva and I developed this ribbon together, and the Nervine Colour Code has now become a valuable daily tool in helping me to maintain my balances and to stay calm and intact.

Irmgard B. (Germany),  physician, developer of the ribbon

What a wonderful tool, small but big in effect, sophisticated – and beautiful to wear, too!

Greta K. (Germany)

Wearing the NCC bracelet seems to settle my nerves and lessens the tension in me, and I have more fluency and freedom in being in the spotlight.

Colinda H. (Netherlands)

Calming.. relaxing.. cooling.. soothing.. fascinating.. These are the words I would put with my experience of wearing the Nervine Colour Code. It relaxes my nerves and causes an inner soothing and settling. It helps me to not speed up and to stay calm and intact, which makes a big difference to my daily life.

Marianne T. (Denmark)

I must say that all that is written about this technology is amazingly true, and for such a seemingly simple and small thing.  I let my gent wear my bracelet without telling him about it and asked if he felt anything.  After only a few minutes, he said he felt calmness rising up his arm and to his heart, then spreading around his body.

Ronda L. (USA)

Lately I have been dealing with a stressful situation and have often put the NCC wrist band on to help with feeling nervous and strained, and I have found it incredibly helpful.

Sally H. (United Kingdom)

I was born with a tremor in both hands, which could be controlled to a degree if I clenched my arms and hands, but with age the tremor worsened and became less controllable. So when asked to help to design what is now the Nervine Colour Code, I was absolutely up for it. Very soon our experiments with the ribbon produced a calming effect on my hand tremors, and I can now write and paint again. The amazing difference is shown below:

Eva W., Germany

Practising as a Doctor of Medicine for well over 30 years mostly in inpatient geriatric care, I can attest that stress levels in the 24-hour shifts tend to be high. I longed for a calming influence and searched for what could help in a natural way. Eva and I developed this ribbon together, and the Nervine Colour Code has now become a valuable daily tool in helping me to maintain my balances and to stay calm and intact.

Irmgard B., Germany

What a wonderful tool, small but big in effect, sophisticated – and beautiful to wear, too!

Greta K., Germany

Calming.. relaxing.. cooling.. soothing.. fascinating.. These are the words I would put with my experience of wearing the Nervine Colour Code. It relaxes my nerves and causes an inner soothing and settling. It helps me to not speed up and to stay calm and intact, which makes a big difference to my daily life.

Marianne T., Denmark

Wearing the NCC bracelet seems to settle my nerves and lessens the tension in me, and I have more fluency and freedom in being in the spotlight.

Colinda H. (Netherlands)

Product Information

The ribbons are made by a traditional German ribbon weaver, and produced at a small sewing shop. There may be small variations in the products because of their non-industrial production, but these do not diminish the effect. Arm, ankle bracelets and bra loops can be ordered in different size. All the ribbons can be washed at 30 deg C with a mild detergent.


After many years of deep study into colour, their natures, energies and effects, this particular colour code came 2001 together in relation to settling nervous dysfunctions. As a need arose a team gathered in 2018, to research possible products to make this coding available in its best functioning way. Having tried out many different options since 2019 ourselves, it is now ready and made available.